Friday, May 16, 2008

Pesta Buku

salam pelajar-pelajar sayang,

sebarluaskan maklumat ini ttg pesta buku akan bakal diadakan pada tarikh & tempat yg tertera di poster ini.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Taskirah yang telah saya lakukan pada hari 27/4/o8

Informasi semua adalah daripada lelaman web ini :

Ada yang saya tidak sebut semasa taskirah, yang disebutkan semasa taskirah akan saya "highlight" .


Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan : "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta." (QS. Al-Ankabut : 2-3).

Sesungguhnya manusia akan sentiasa diuji.. bezanya hanya di tahap apa dan bagaimana bentuknya ujian itu hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui. Berlainan dengan penganut agama lain, kita sebagai umat Islam percaya pada syurga dan neraka; pada qadak dan qadar. Kehidupan di dunia hanya sementara.. umpama satu persinggahan atau transit ke dunia lain yang lebih baik dan sempurna. Paspot kita adalah ketaqwaan kita, keimanan dan kesabaran kita menghadapi segala ujian dan musibah yang ditentukan ke atas kita.

Lagi tinggi tahap iman kita, lagi berat ujian itu. Seorang ustazah mungkin diuji kesabarannya dengan tidak mempunyai cahaya mata bertahun-tahun selepas berkahwin; seorang ibu tunggal mungkin diuji dengan fitnah jiran tetangga; seorang suami yang baik mungkin diuji dengan isteri yang curang, dan sebagainya. Apa-apa pun ujian atau musibah yang dihadapi, janganlah kita sekali-kali menyalahkan takdir. Jangan kita membelakangi agama Islam dalam usaha mencari jalan penyelesaian. Juga jangan kita cepat berputus asa dan membiarkan sikap keji seperti dendam, hasad dengki, marah, benci, prasangka dan sebagainya meresap ke dalam hati kita dan menguasai perasaan kita.
Sebaliknya kenalah kita bersabar, melenhgkapi diri dengan sifat mahmudah dan bertawakkal kepada yang Maha Mengetahui. Seharusnya kita mendekati diri kita kepada Allah swt pada ketika itu... percayalah bahawa segala-gala kekusutan yang berlaku akan ada jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik.. insyaAllah...

Daripada pembacaan saya:

Kenapa Aku Tak Dapat Apa yang Aku Mau?
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." (QS. Al-Baqarah : 216).

Kenapa Ujian Seberat Ini?

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya." (QS. Al-Baqarah : 286).

Kenapa Hasilnya Seperti Ini?
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi derajatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman." (QS. Ali Imran : 139).

Bagaimana Aku Harus Menghadapinya?
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh (di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan), serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah, supaya kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)." (QS Ali Imran : 200).
"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk." (QS. Al-Baqarah : 45).

Apa yang Aku Dapat dari Semua Ini?
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mu'min, diri, dan harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka... " (QS. At-Taubah : 111).

Kepada Siapa Aku Berharap?

"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain diriNya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal." (QS. At-Taubah : 129).

Aku Tak Dapat Bertahan Lagi!

"... dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir." (QS. Yusuf : 12)

Itulah keindahan dan perbezaan Islam berbanding ajaran agama lain.
Agama Islam mengajar kita bahawa bayi yang dilahirkan adalah suci dan bersih daripada sebarang dosa. Kita tidak memerlukan pengantara di antara diri kita dengan Allah swt.
Sebaliknya penganut agama Buddha percaya, kesusahan atau musibah itu adalah balasan kepada dosa masa kehidupan yang lalu. Penganut agama Kristian pula perlu mengaku Jesus sebagai Penyelamat maka barulah mendapat jaminan masuk syurga. Penganut agama Hindu pula percaya manusia dapat musibah kerana balasan dosa dahulu.

Maka apabila manusia ditimpa terlalu banyak kesusahan, mereka mungkin akan membunuh diri kerana tidak tahan menghadapi ujian hidup. Orang Islam yang warak pula tidak sebegitu cepat berputus asa. Perbezaan ini kerana pegangan akidah kita berbeza daripada mereka yang menganuti agama lain.
Jadi sebagai umat Islam yang dipilih Allah swt menjalani ujian hidup ini, sepatutnya kita bersyukur kerana diuji dan bertawakkal kepadaNya. Hidup di dunia hanya persinggahan sementara.

*pos ini pernah saya terbitkan dalam
Secara kebetulan saya telah menjumpa lelaman ini yang ditulis oles seorang Mualaf yang tinggal di Malaysia. Kebanyakkan posnya mempunyai nilai yang boleh kita pelajari kerana ia adalah daripada sudut pandangan seorang yang bukan dilahirkan seorang muslim.
Saya ingin juga mengongsi satu puisi inggeris yang menceritakan mengenai Qadak dan Qadar juga.
Allah's Plans

>Some things are beyond planning.
>And life doesn't always turn out as planned.
>You don't plan for a broken heart.
>You don't plan for an autistic child.
>You don't plan for spinsterhood.
>You don't plan for a lump in your breast.
>You plan to be young forever.
>You plan to climb the corporate ladder.
>You plan to be rich and powerful.
>You plan to be acclaimed and successful.
>You plan to conquer the universe.
>You plan to fall in love - and be loved forever.
>You don't plan to be sad.
>You don't plan to be hurt.
>You don't plan to be broke.
>You don't plan to be betrayed.
>You don't plan to be alone in this world
> You plan to be happy.
> You don't plan to be shattered .
>Sometimes if you work hard enough, you can get what you want. But MOST
>times, what you want and what you get are two different things.
>We, mortals, plan. But so does Allah.
>Sometimes, it is difficult to understand Allah's plans especially when His plans are not in consonance with ours .
>Often, when He sends us crisis, we turn to Him in anger. True, we cannot choose what Allah wishes us to carry, but we can carry it with courage knowing that He will never abandon us nor send something we cannot cope with .
>Sometimes, Allah breaks our spirit to save our soul.
>Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
>Sometimes, He allows pain so we can be stronger.
>Sometimes, Allah sends us failure so we can be humble.
>Sometimes, He allows illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
>And sometimes, Allah takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything He gave us .

>Make plans, but understand that we live by Allah's grace.
Terima kasih,
Nabila Banu
As-salaamu `alaikum

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

Salam semua...petikan ini saye ambil dari mengenai keperibadian / ciri2 / akhlaq dll mengenai Nabi Muhammad s.a.w...harap maklum artikle ini di dlm bahasa inggeris...tapi sayer rase semua boleh paham kot...almaklumlah last week kan semua berbual Om puteh kat kelas kan ngan ustzh..hahaha


Many non-Muslims as well as even some Muslims don't really intimately know the Prophet Muhammad, so we have translated much of the following sections from authentic [hadiths]

hoping to describe the Prophet. We will answer questions like- What was his physical appearance? What was his general presence like? What were his ethics and moral character? Etc….

The Physical Features of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

The Final Messenger of God Almighty was light-skinned, medium height around 6', a strong sturdy build, his hair was black somewhat long to his neck and wavy, he had a thick black beard, shiny white teeth, long eye lashes, soft hands, and his mouth was somewhat large and his smile was pleasant. It is said about his appearance "When he appeared all turned to notice his presence". Many people accepted Islam upon seeing him (pbuh). He walked fast and many people couldn't keep up with him. He was generally silent and didn't speak except upon necessity. Sometimes he would speak clearly and repeat himself three times when he wanted to get across an important point. He was always kept busy with something. He did have a sense of humor and when amused he smiled. He kept his feelings under firm control and never was angered by any worldly issue. He only became red when he was angered by sinful or corrupt behavior and would advise anyone who did such deeds. (Tirmidhi Ash-Shama'il)

The Prophet's Mannerisms

Hind son of Abe Halah was known for his descriptions and he described the Prophet (PBUH) as such: He was in a constant state of contemplation. He never seemed to take a break or rest. He kept silent for long periods and only spoke upon necessity. When speaking, he always enunciated himself thoroughly and spoke in way that everyone could hear and understand him. When he spoke he seemed to completely master the accent of those to whom he spoke. His speech was decisive, clearly distinguishing between truth and falsehood. He was very gentle and never harsh or rude. He never disgraced or humiliated anyone, yet when he advised or reprimanded it was in a respectful manner. He always stressed the greatness of blessings, even if they were few. He never said this food is good or not good. If he didn't like it he simply wouldn't eat it. When lies were told or falsehood prevailed he became angry and they knew because his face became red. He never became angry for himself and never acted out of revenge. If he became angry it was because if lies or injustice and he would shun at what he was angered by. He never raised his voice except to give a speech. If he was happy he would look down in modesty. When he was amused he would smile that you can see his teeth.

Ali the 4th Caliph and son in law of the Prophet (pbuh) described him as such: He was very modest and never spoke with foul words and when he was in the presence of obscenity he would leave and rebuke it. He never raised his voice. He never reacted to a bad deed inflicted upon him with another bad deed. He was always pardoning and forgiving. He never hit anyone or even any animal. He never hit a servant or a woman. He only fought in battles.He never took revenge on anyone who oppressed him. He never broke any of the God's commandments (he was sinless). He became angered when people sinned. When he was faced with two options he always took the easier of the two. When he was at home he was a man like any other. He used to cook, sow, and clean the house. He only talked about that which concerned him. He united people and never alienated them. He was generous with whatever he had. He always tried to get to know people and would ask about them in their absence. He was very balanced in his character and mannerism.

He was constantly remembering God Almighty. If he sat with some people he wouldn't leave until the others left. If he sat with others he didn't act as though he was better than others. If someone gave him a hard time he was patient with them. If anyone asked him for something he gave it to them if he had it. Everyone liked his presence and easiness. He became like a father to us all. To sit with him was always like being in an open classroom of knowledge. We would learn to be patient, persevering, truthful, and modest from sitting with him. No one raising their voice and nobody speaks badly about others. Nobody speaks of rumors. Nobody speaks about their wife or relationship with her. Everyone was equal in the sitting of the Prophet (pbuh) keeping a gracious disposition in the remembrance of the Almighty. The old were respected and the young received compassion and mercy.

It was also said about the Messenger of the Almighty: He was always joyful, He was very compassionate and affectionate never harsh, never greedy, He never argued, he laughed at what others did and was amazed by what others were amazed by, He was patient for the one who was harsh to him, he never accepted praise except what was reasonable, he never interrupted anyone, he never told a lie (not even in joking or exaggerating), anyone who saw him unexpectedly was in awe, whoever got to know him loved him, No companion ever met anyone like him before or after his passing.

The Prophet was the most devoted man to The Almighty in a constant state of worship. This is regardless of the fact that he was forgiven by God upon his Prophethood all his sins that he may have committed.

Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah said: The Prophet (pbuh) used to stand praying at night until his feet were swollen. So someone asked him

"We have heard that you were forgiven any sins you committed or might commit. He replied "Shouldn't I be a grateful servant"

Regarding his moderation; A'isha the Mother of the Believers said-

"He used to fast until we thought he wouldn't break it, and sometimes he would not fast until we thought he quit fasting"

Abdullah ash-shakheer said
"I saw the Prophet praying in the night and I saw him praying that the tears gathered on his shirt near his stomach"

His companions said
"If some matter bothered him, he would go pray about it."

Abu Dardaa' said
"If there was a wind storm he would take refuge praying in the Mosque until the wind calmed. If there was an eclipse he would pray until the eclipse ended".

He used to anticipate the next prayer and when asked he said-
'The Prayer is the most beloved thing to me'"

A'isha narrated that
"the Prophet was always in a state of the remembrance of God."

His view of this worldly life

When we look at the perception of money and wealth in the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH), we must look at the legacy he passed on. Indeed; he and his students and their students, arabs and non-arabs, whites and blacks looked at wealth as rocks and dirt. It is authentically narrated about these people, that some of the most amazing stories of asceticism and world renouncing feats. This is shown in how they easily gave most of their money to others completely content with the least wealth possible. While reading some of these stories one is amazed at how ordinary people acted in such a way.

The Prophet used to say
"Oh God our true pay is the reward of Heaven"

One time Umar son of Khattab saw the Prophet's (pbuh) humble bed made from tree bark. He exclaimed
"Oh Messenger of God you are greater than the Persian kings and the Caesars of Rome, yet you sleep on such a place??? The Prophet's (pbuh) face reddened and he said "Are you confused oh son of Khattab?" Then the Prophet said "Those people are those who hasten to worldly pleasure and are ignorant of the Hereafter"

A'isha the Mother of the Believers and wife of the Prophet said-

"In the house of Muhammad we mostly survived off of dates and water"

Jabir ibn abdullah said-

"The Prophet never refused anyone who asked of him"

As a Compassionate Companion

After being shown the torment of the inhabitants of fire by the angel Gabriel, he said to the Companions
"If you had seen what I saw then you would be crying a lot and not laughing"

He was known as the most open minded and mild tempered they had ever met. He used to joke sometimes and loved to play with the youth, especially his grandchildren. He treated the slave equally with his master. He always accepted the excuse of one who excused himself.

Jabir ibn Sumarah said I sat with the Prophet over 100 times and many times we would read poetry and talk about things which happened in the days of ignorance (before Islam). He would sit silent and sometimes smile.

He was very affectionate with the children. Onetime a Bedouin came to him and asked him
"Do you kiss children? Because we don't" The Prophet (PBUH) replied "I can't do anything for you because it seems God has taken compassion from your heart "

One time the Prophet hurried the Prayers and we asked him
"Why did you hurry" He replied "I wanted to lengthen the prayer, but I heard a baby crying and I was concerned that it needs its mother. [2]

As a Human Being teaching against hardship or extremism

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the most balanced personality in history. He never went to one extreme or the other in any subject. In worship some would suspect he is performing superhuman feats and just when they started to say so he would stop worshipping in such a manner. He was the ultimate teacher of how to be a great man without going to one extreme or the other.

His Wife A'isha said:

"When the Prophet (pbuh) faced two decisions concerning any matter; he always chose the easier of the two. Of course if it wasn't something prohibited by God and he was the farthest from all things prohibited by the Almighty."

Abu Hurairah heard the Prophet (pbuh) say:

"Truly Islam is meant to be easy on us. If anyone tries to overdo it they will be defeated. So guide the others to practice Islam in an easy manner, but do what you do in the best manner and give glad tidings. And seek the help of God through the day and some of the night.

He (pbuh) also said:

"Make things easy for people. Don't make life hard on people. Give glad tidings. Don't fill people with aversion or alienate them."

The Prophet as a Family Man

The Prophet was a man like any other in his house. His wife A'isha says
"He used to sew his cloths that ripped, he used to milk the goat, and he cleaned up after himself. When asked how he was most of the time she added "He was concerned with his family and when the Prayer was called he left to the mosque"

Anas ibn Malik [3] mentioned about the Prophet; that as a family man he was the most kind and compassionate especially to children.

He said:

"The best of you are the best to their families and I am the best to my family"

Whole books have been written on the beautiful manner in which the Final Prophet sent to mankind fulfilled the previous saying. Authentic testimonies of his 9 wives and 4 daughters of his greatness as a family man are abundant. How many of us have a hard time pleasing one wife and 2 children?

The Prophet's Ethics and Moral Standards

God Almighty stated to the Prophet (pbuh)

"And Indeed, you are of a Great standard of Moral Character"(Quran 68:4).

The Prophet himself said:

"I was sent specifically to teach mankind a complete example of righteous moral character".

When we look at the way the Prophet (pbuh) dealt with people, we see a miracle in that alone, considering the many times he was dealing with some of the most foul and harsh people in the history of man. When A'isha the mother of the Believers was asked about his character after his death, She replied "His character was the Qur'an". So in perfect fulfillment of the message, he was known by those who knew him best to be someone who's every action was guided by the word of God.

He Describes the Importance of Good Character

He (pbuh) said
There is nothing heavier on the scales of judgment (when we are judged for our actions on the Day of Judgment) than Good Character

He also said
"Should I inform you all of the most beloved to me and the closest to me in the hereafter" Then the Companions replied "Of course" He said The best among you in character and moral ethics"

He also said
"The most complete among you in faith is the best among you in character. By their good manners a person reaches the level of worship of someone who fasts all day and prays all night"

The Golden Rule

His life was a continuous example of someone deeply sincere toward mankind. He taught us Deeds are judged by their intentions and for everyone is what they intended

Making our lives filled with the sincere intention to please God is very important. The Qur'an says

"Say, Truly my worship, my rites, my life and my death are for God Almighty, Lord of the Universe. He shares with no other in His divinity. With this I was commanded and I am the first of those who submit." (Qur’an 6-162-163)

He also said
"Purify your intentions in what you do and a little worship will be sufficient"


In Arabic there is a word known as Haya'. This word describes a certain type of character. Some translate it as modesty or shyness, but the meaning is much deeper. Haya' refers to one's action or refraining from acting based upon piety. This characteristic of Haya' has three aspects; Haya' from oneself, Haya' from others, Haya' from Almighty God. Haya' from oneself is in avoiding what one knows to be harmful to himself in this world or in the hereafter and in participating in that which is of benefit in this world and in the hereafter. Haya' from others is in not harming others physically or verbally. Haya' from God is in one's awareness of God Almighty and constantly seeking His pleasure and abstaining anything which he has forbidden- this is different than Haya' of oneself because it is done out of gratitude and realization of God's right upon us, the other is out of the fear of harm to oneself.

If someone with Haya' finds himself in a situation where he knows something bad or evil is happening, then he will distance himself from it immediately. If something harmful enters one's sight such as the nakedness of others or pornography then out of Haya' one will look away. If someone had the characteristic of Haya' and he finds himself sitting with people who are drinking alcohol or using drugs, lying, using foul language, or talking badly about someone behind their back they will leave such a gathering. Whoever has perfected these aspects of Haya' has reached the pinnacle of virtue among humanity.

The Qur'an mentions time and time again that the Prophet (pbuh) is our example and that we should do our best to imitate his Sunnah (way or manner of life). We see this application in his great companions and their miraculous lives as well as in all righteous Muslims thereafter.

Abe Sa'id Alkhudree said The Messenger of God (pbuh) was the most strict in Haya' and when he saw something that bothered him we knew it from his face.

The Prophet (pbuh) said
"Faith and Haya' are connected if one is missing in someone then the other is too."

He (pbuh) also said
"For every religion there is a primary characteristic. Islam's characteristic is Haya"

He said (pbuh) Haya' is the pinnacle of righteousness"


The word 'Sidq' in Arabic means honesty, standing up for truth, as well as a sense of certainty in ones heart about something. Anywhere you go in the world, you might find lying common and not considered a big deal. People have even come up with the phrase "white lie" to describe a small insignificant lie. I can personally say that when I look back at before I was Muslim and remember how much I lied and how much others around me lied, I realize the preciousness of Islam. I know it's difficult to believe when I say "I don't lie or most Muslims who practice Islam don't lie in general", but this is the beautiful reality that we live in.

God Almighty heavily rebuked lying or supporting a lie by being silent when the truth could have been spoken. This is a reoccurring theme throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah (authentic narrations of the prophet). The previous messages of God were distorted and many people were led astray because of lying and many other tribulations and damage have afflicted humanity because of lying.

One of the main factors in preserving the Sunnah amongst the companions was the strong discipline they received against falsehood. The Prophet (pbuh) said:

"Attributing a lie to me is not like attributing a lie to anyone. Whoever attributes a lie to me on purpose can guarantee his place in the Hell-fire."

Of course these people lived and died for the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) so you know they took this saying as serious as any other.

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said "I heard the Prophet say
'Indeed, Honesty and standing for the truth leads one to pure righteousness and righteousness leads one to Eternal Paradise. The more one stands for truth, he will eventually be recorded as a man of truth. And indeed lying leads one to corruption and immorality. And this corruption leads one to Hell. One keeps on lying until he is recorded as a liar." (Bukhari)

A'isha said
"The most hated characteristic to the Prophet (pbuh) was lying. He would not even speak to or be around someone he knew was lying unless he knew that they had repented" (Muslim)

The Prophet (PBUH) was once asked "
"Could a Believer be a coward" He said "Yes" Then he was asked "Could a believer be greedy" He replied "Yes". Then he was asked "Could a Believer be a liar" The Prophet (pbuh) said "No". (Bukhari)

To finish this section I think we will suffice to remember the Hadith of the Messenger of God "
"Don't praise me in exaggeration as the Christians did Jesus the son of Mary, I am nothing but a servant. So when you remember me say the servant of God or the Messenger of God." (Muslim)


In Arabic the word Amanah carries the meanings of reliability and responsibility, but the meaning goes much deeper. Islam encourages everyone to have a strong conscience and sense of responsibility. Islam encourages to guard and preserve the rights of God and the rights of his fellow humans and to not be careless or neglect those rights. The one who carries these qualities has the characteristic of Amanah.

A few examples of Amanah are:

1. Your life is an Amanah and you owe your service to the one who gave it to you. First God and second your parents.
2. Your senses such as hearing, seeing, smelling, and touching are Amanah from God, so you must use them for Good and Lawful things.
3. Listening to a personal conversation is Amanah you have a responsibility to not tell others unless there is crime invovled.
4. Your knowledge and capacity for learning is an Amanah. You must spend your time learning things which will benefit yourself and others.
5. Your personal relationship with your wife is an Amanah. You must never reveal it unless you are seeking professional counseling.
6. Taking a loan or borrowing anything is Amanah.

God Almighty says

"Indeed God commands you to fulfill your trusts (Amanah) to whom they are due and when you judge between people, do so in justice."(Qur’an 4:58)

God says:

"Oh you who believe, Why do you say what you do not do. God is greatly displeased when you say something you don't do."(Qur’an 61:2-3)
The Prophet (pbuh) outlines the Amanah of everyone in society.
He said:

"Everyone is like a Shepard and every Shepard is responsible for his flock. So the ruler is responsible for those under his command, the man is responsible for his wife and children, His wife is responsible for her husbands house and children.

"The Prophet (pbuh) said

"The one who doesn't have Amanah has no Faith." (Ahmad)


The purpose of God sending His message of Islam is to bestow his Mercy and Forgiveness upon man. Islam is the religion of mercy, goodness and peace for mankind. All humans sin and make mistakes, but through their attempt to submit to His will, recognizing him alone as their Creator and Savior, they will receive eternal mercy in Heaven. Satan simply teaches man to follow his own desire in ultimate ingratitude to his creator and serving no real purpose in life. Thus making himself like an animal with no spirituality. Even God explains in his Book that he is Merciful to this ungrateful person by making sure he has food and water, wealth, loving family, and many other things. Yet, this person who lived for this worldly life will receive just that and be void of the mercy of the Hereafter.

The Prophet said
"God gives you the glad tidings that his Mercy overcomes His Anger."(Bukhari)

God informs us that he sent Muhammad and the message of Islam to mankind as A mercy to the entire universe(21:107).

God begins the Qur'an and every chapter of the Qur'an with "In the Name of God, The Most Merciful and The Most Compassionate" Hundreds of verses in the Qur'an end with "And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"

Describing his messengers success in calling to the way of God, the Qur'an states speaking to Muhammad

"And from the Mercy of God you were lenient to them. And if you had been harsh hearted or rude, they would have abandoned you. So Pardon them, ask for their forgiveness and consult them in the matter. And when you decide rely on God. God loves those who put their trust in Him."(Qur’an 3:159)

The Prophet said

"said Whoever isn't merciful to people, God will not be Merciful to him." (Bukhari)

God says
"And lower to them (your parents when they grow old) the wing of humility and mercy and say Oh Lord be merciful to them as they raised me from birth".(17:24)

He (pbuh) also said:
"My blessing is to one who is always humble without losing their dignity, who donates their money, who was merciful to the simple people, and who befriends the people of knowledge and wisdom ."(Muslim)

There is a famous Parable of the Prophet (pbuh) in which he said:

"There was a man walking across the desert and became very thirsty. He found a well and lowered the bucket and quenched his thirst. When he was walking away he saw a dog that was suffering from extreme thirst, so he returned to the well and gave the dog drink. God Almighty was pleased with this and forgave the man all his sins." The Companions of the Prophet asked "Can we be rewarded for helping animals." He replied (pbuh) "Being merciful to any living thing is rewarded by God." (Bukhari)

In another Parable He said

"A woman went to Hell because she caged a cat until it died. She knowingly didn't feed it, give it drink, and left it to die." (Bukhari)


The heart of nobility among mankind is generosity. When people are willing to give what they have to others it naturally earns them respect. Generosity is the heart of good social ties and faith based social work. Greed and stinginess cause major rifts within the society. Precisely for that reason Islam encourages one to be more concerned with the well being of others and the needs of others than the need for oneself (This of course is unless the generous person might die, go homeless, or create other hardships for themselves because of their generosity).

God Almighty describes himself as The Generous and proclaims his Love for the generous throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah. Muslims know that the best way to purify our hearts and be closer to the Almighty is to try to apply the characteristics God has described himself with as far as possible (Of course keeping in mind that these characteristics applied to God are of perfection suiting his greatness and that no human can ever be like God in the least bit).

The Prophet said

"Truly God is The Generous and he loves those who are generous."(Bukhari)

Anas ibn Malik [4] said in the end of his life The Prophet was the most perfect person ethically, the most generous, and the most courageous person I ever met. When anybody asked him for something he always gave it.(Ahmad)

There is an authentic tradition that a man asked the Prophet (pbuh) for his shirt and the Prophet (PBUH) gave it to him. Thus coining the phrase about the most generous person "He would give you the shirt off his back" Bet you didn't know where that came from.

The Prophet (pbuh) said

"Oh sons of Adam [5] , it is definitely better for you to sacrifice any excess (wealth) than to hold on to it or waste it. Not to blame is the one who keeps what suffices their living expenses. And begin with your family."

God revealed to his Prophet that It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the east or west, but true piety is in believing in God Almighty, the Day of Judgment, the Angels, the Book, and the Prophet's. And that you give from your wealth despite your love for it; to your relatives, to orphans, the poor, the traveler, those who ask for something, freed slaves (by freeing them and helping them once free). And those who establish regular prayers, those who pay their Zakah, those who fulfill their promises, those who are patient in times of ease and through hardships. These are those who are of true Sidq and they are the truly righteous.(Qur'an 2:177)

The Prophet (PBUH) said
"Never can greed and pure faith be found in the same heart." (Bukhari)

The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"The generous person is close to God, close to people, and finally close to Paradise and far from Hell. The greedy person is far from God, far from the people, and finally far from Paradise and close to Hell. The ignorant generous person is more beloved to God than the worshipper who is greedy." (Bukhari)

All throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah we find the message enjoining generosity and selflessness. We see the result of this divine guidance in the example of the Prophet and his companions to an extraordinary extent. Please read about the lives of the Companions in the Prominent Muslims section.


Islam as a system of law and the society's social relations is based on pure Justice. God has also made his relationship with man and man's relationship with himself based on Justice as well. By this we mean that if one recognizes his creator and lives in thankful submission to Him then he deserves the ultimate reward of closeness to the Almighty enjoying the eternal bliss of heaven. On the other hand if one is heedless of his creator or rejects him, not considering of his actions, he should be moved away from the mercy and compassion of his creator which he denies in the first place.

God says

"Oh you who believe, Be persistently standing firm for justice, witnesses to God Almighty; even if it be against yourselves, your parents, or any of your relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, (siding with) God (in truth) is more worthy than both. So don't follow your personal inclinations, lest you be unjust. And if you distort your testimony or refuse to give it, then know that God is well aware of everything (and will account all with divine justice)."(Qur’an 4:135)

Regarding the application of this verse: A noble women from the new Muslims of Quraish was caught stealing. The Quraish sent Usama ibn Zaid to ask the Prophet to forgive her and not punish her. When Usama relayed the message to the Messenger of God, He became red in the face and spoke loudly "Do you seek to interfere in the Law of God, if my own daughter Fatimah [6] was caught stealing I will have the punishment prescribed to her [7]

It is sufficient to say that when you read the Qur'an you find the command "And be Just" or "Don't Transgress" or the phrase "And God Loves the Just". Once again if you read the full life story of the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions you see the greatest examples of justice in the history of man.

The most recurring sin that God reminds us to stay away from in his Book is Injustice or Oppression. The Qur'an is filled with phrases like "And God does not love the unjust and oppressive" and "And for the Oppressive and Unjust is a painful torment (Hell)"

The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"Support your brother in faith whether he is an oppressor or oppressed! The companions replied "We understand supporting the oppressed, but how do we support an oppressor? He (PBUH) replied "Rebuke him and deter him from further injustice."(Bukhari)

Forgiveness and Pardoning

This is one of the characteristics of God Almighty since he is the all-Forgiving. For one to truly be forgiving in all situations is difficult. Anger and prejudice are always trying to influence one to lose their patience with others. The Prophet (PBUH) was the greatest example of this nature of pardoning others and you see this amazing quality in him time and time again when reading about him (pbuh).

God declares in a general command towards how to deal with others
"Be lenient and pardon others and enjoin what is good upon them, and turn away from the ignorant." (Qur'an 7:199)

In another verse God describes the people of Paradise-
"Those who give from their wealth in times of ease and hardship, who control their anger, and who pardon others often and God loves the pious".(Quran 3:134)

The Prophet said:

"The children of Adam were created differently; some are difficult to anger and quick to calm down after angered, there is also those who are quickly angered and quick calm down, there is the one who is difficult to anger and once angered hard to return to a calm state, and finally there is the one who is the easily angered and difficult to calm down. The truth is that the best one is he who is difficult to anger and easily calms down after angered and the worst is the one easily angered and doesn't calm down easily. "(Tirmidhi)

The Prophet said:

"The tough man is not the one who can box or wrestle. The truly tough is the one who controls his anger." (Bukhari)

He also said (pbuh)
"Be Compassionate and you will be shown compassion, forgive and you will be forgiven" (Ahmad)

One day a Bedouin came to the Prophet and his Companions and asked the Prophet (pbuh) for something. The Prophet (pbuh) gave him what he requested and then asked him "Have I done something good for you?" the Bedouin replied "No and you weren't nice in doing it either". The companions were angered and the Prophet told them not to do anything and calm down. Then the Prophet got up and went home and then sent for that Bedouin. He then gave the Bedouin something else and asked him have I done you well?" He replied "Yes And may God reward you and your family". The Prophet (pbuh) then asked the Bedouin to repeat what he said to his companions so they wouldn't hold anything against him.

After the Bedouin did this the Prophet (pbuh) gave his companions a parable "This Bedouin in relation to me and how you reacted is like a man and his camel. The camel got lost and the people went after it, then its owner found it in time and asked the people to leave him and his camel since he knows his camel best. He then led it back home. Then tamed it showing it not to leave home and put its saddle back on it. Then the camel regained its sense of home and sat down to rest." Then the Prophet said "If I let you kill that Bedouin in his ignorance he would have gone to Hell in his state"

A'isha described her husband (pbuh)

"He never reacted to a bad deed with another bad deed. He always looked past it and pardoned others." (tirmidhi)

The Prophet (pbuh) describes the believers
"A believer is not harsh, doesn't harm or curse others, and he's never obscene." (Bukhari)

He (pbuh) also said :

"It is only greatness and honor that God bestows upon one who is pardoning and forgiving." (Muslim)

The Prophet (pbuh) also said, teaching us to be great people-
"The essence of knowledge can only be attained by excessive learning and clemency only comes from persisting in pardoning people and being gentle. And whoever works to attain the good it will be given to him and whoever protects himself from evil will be protected!!!." (Tabarani)

The Prophet (pbuh) said :
"The more kind and gentle someone is, it increases their greatness and beautifies their soul. The more someone is harsh and hard-hearted, then the more disgraced and dishonored they are."(Muslim)

May God Almighty guide us to realize the greatness of Muhammad, the final messenger of God sent to mankind. He answered the call of our Lord and sacrificed his life so that man would worship the one and only Almighty God. After reading about his sublime characteristics and teachings you should now see how he left the greatest example of human greatness upon mankind. We ask God to bestow upon him His most gracious blessings and mercy. As God says-

"There has certainly been provided for you in the messenger of God an excellent example to follow for anyone whose hope is in God and (his forgiveness) on the Day of Judgment. But whoever turns away, then God is free of need and the Most Praiseworthy"(Qur'an 60:6)

Bukan ummi Musaddiq....tapi Musaddiq aje..hehe

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pesta Buku 2008

salam pelajar-pelajar sayang,

ustzah nak ajak pergi 'dating'.. jom kite pergi pesta buku sama-sama... ada sape2 nak join Graphic Novel Workshop, utk mrk yg ada 'bakat' dlm penulisan & lukisan..

heheh.. ada yg sudi utk jadi ketua rombongan ke pesta buku ni? Abg Mus ke abg mahathir? Kak Susliza? boleh?

Ummi Musaddiq

duhai bonda

salam semua...

Sempena Hari Ibu.. ungkapan indah utk ibu-ibu kalian

Bagai kerdipan lilin yang berkilau, bercahaya
Menggantikan mentari terangi malam nan gelita
Membakar diri pun membeikan cahaya
Membiar diri musnah terlebur
Korban segalanya penuh rela

Biar dimamah arus usia
Tidak pernah kenal derita
Bagai sungai kasih yang mengalir
Tiada penghentiannya, tak bertebing

Duhai ibunda kaulah anugerah istimewa
Berkorban jiwa raga redahi hidup nan mencabar
Berusaha dan sabar dalam mengharungi derita
Hidupmu penuh ranjau meniti kepayahan yang tiada kesudahan

Tidak sekali mengharapkan dibalasi permata
Cukup engkau rasa bahagia
Lihat anak-anakmu berjaya
Kau penawar hati duka
Walau hatimu terluka
Engkau ibu engkaulah bapa
Pabila ayah tiada

Hanya Tuhan saja yang dapat membalas jasamu
Kerana Tuhan saja yang tahu penderitaanmu
Wahai bonda

Cinta Tanpa Bersyarat

salam pelajar-pelajar ku sayang,

ustzh mengharap sgt kalian dpt meluangkan sedikit masa membaca luahan hati seorang anak.. tersentuh & bertakung air mata ini bila membacanya... masya allah.. hati ini menggeletar sambil terbayang wajah mak & ayah ustzh.. ambil iktibar & pengajaran dari kisah di bawah ini..


Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): “Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil.” (Al-Israa’ 17: 24)

“Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosaku, ampunkan dosa ibu bapaku dan rahmatilah mereka dengan kasih sayang-Mu, sebagaimana mereka menyayangiku ketika diriku masih kecil”.

Itulah doa saya sebentar tadi, semasa bersolat zohor.

Entah kenapa, tiba-tiba hati saya terlalu tersentuh dengan doa tersebut. Sedangkan sudah berkali-kali saya membaca doa yang sama. Adakah kerana rindu saya terhadap ayahanda yang sudah masuk 14 tahun meninggalkan kami. Ya, saya rindukannya, terutamanya ketika hidup saya diasak dengan pelbagai cabaran, dan saya rindukan tangan ayahanda yang sering menepuk bahu agar masalah saya mengecil dan pergi oleh senyumannya.

Apakah saya terharu kerana saya rindukan bonda di kampung. Kampung yang sunyi, bersama teman-teman berbualnya yang pulang ke pangkuan Ilahi, seorang demi seorang. Bonda memang kesepian, hanya panggilan telefon dari anak-anaknya sahajalah pengubat sunyi itu. Mujurlah bonda kuat membaca. Majalah I saya hantarkan setiap bulan, kulit ke kulit habis dibacanya. Tazkirah Untuk Orang Mengaji oleh Ustaz Sonharji, saya belikan dan cepat sekali bonda menghadamnya. Kata bonda, “jika sunyi dan tak buat apa-apa, kenalah baca buku. Kalau dibiarkan otak beku, nanti datang jemu dan nyanyuk, jadi pelupa dan kemudian susahlah anak-anak nak melayan orang tua yang begitu.”

Saya memang rindukan emak. Emak juga rindukan suaminya. Jika diselak langsir dapur, sayup-sayup kelihatan sepasang nisan pusara abah di tepi masjid sebelah rumah. Emak sering termenung di tingkap itu, merenung kisah silam mereka, dan kenangan manis membesarkan kami berlima. Arwah opah pernah berkata, “aku hairan tengok kamu berlima ni. Dari kecil sampai besar, tak pernah bergaduh. Walhal hero-hero belaka!” Saya juga terkenang, memang kami berlima hero-hero belaka. Semua adik beradik saya lelaki tetapi kami memang tidak pernah bergaduh.

Mungkin semua itu kerana watak abah. Dia menjadi tumpuan kami dan kami sentiasa bergelak ketawa hingga ke meja makan. Kami tiada masa untuk bergaduh kerana semua ketawa dan sedih kami adalah bersama abah. Namun selepas abah pergi mengejut oleh serangan jantung, keluarga kami sunyi hilang ketawa. Sepi..

Kucing-kucing belaan kami yang suka menjilat peluh abah semasa dia sakit terlantar, turut mati seekor demi seekor. Begitulah kami di rumah, tertumpu pada abah. Kini emak saya pula melayan sepi dan sunyi itu sendirian. Saya sangka, saya sukar menemankan emak kerana saya terhumban di hujung benua. Selepas lebih sedekad saya di luar negara, saya segera pulang ke kampung halaman. Namun selepas bekerja di KL, rupa-rupanya keadaan tidak banyak berubah. Saya masih sukar untuk balik ke kampung, akibat Kuala Lumpur dan kehidupan saya yang amat menekan masa.

Saya jatuh rindu dan saya mohon ampun dari Allah atas dosa saya membiarkan emak kesunyian di kampung.

Tetapi tengah hari tadi, saya tidak hiba kerana itu. Ada sesuatu yang lebih halus darinya. Mungkin sebentar tadi, buat kali pertamanya saya dapat merasakan apakah sebenarnya yang saya minta dari Allah, Tuhan yang telah memberikan seorang ibu dan bapa yang pengasih kepada saya.

Mengapakah apabila saya merintih keampunan dari Allah, saya kaitkan ia dengan kasih sayang bonda dan ayah semasa saya kecil?

Hari ini saya berusaha memikirkan jawapannya.

“Rizal minta maaf emak sebab susah sangat nak balik ke Ipoh. Kerja tak habis-habis. Lagi pun ada masanya Rizal cuti, tapi Muna pula yang kerja. Saif selalu menyebut tentang opahnya. Naurah pun dah makin besar. Imad pun dah pandai meniarap”, keluhan saya kepada emak beberapa ketika yang lalu.

“”Tak apa, mak pun minta maaf sebab jarang dapat ke Kuala Lumpur. Kaki mak ni asyik sakit, kepala pun berat. Tak seronok nak berjalan-jalan kalau begini. Datang rumah kamu pun nanti menyusahkan sahaja. Asalkan kamu ingat emak dalam doa, Alhamdulillah”, itulah suara dari hati emak.

Semasa berdoa tadi baru saya sedar, emak amat pemaaf. Dia memaafkan saya dan adik beradik yang lain tanpa menyoal apa-apa. Paling menyerlah, pemaaf emak semasa saya kecil…

Saya pernah teringin untuk minum air sirap ros, tetapi patinya sudah habis. Semasa emak sibuk menanda buku latihan anak-anak muridnya, saya ke dapur dan cuba memasak gula di dalam periuk. Secawan gula dicampur dengan pewarna merah, dimasak di atas api. Saya baru darjah tiga dan tidak terfikir untuk menambah air. Akhirnya gula hangus dan beku, periuk berkerak dan hampir mustahil untuk dibersihkan. Kerana takut, saya simpan periuk itu di dalam kabinet dapur. Seminggu masa berlalu, apabila emak terjumpa periuk itu, dia tahu itu angkara saya. Dia tidak marah tetapi mencebikkan muka kesedihan.

“Emak tak marah?”, saya cuba memberanikan diri bertanya.

“Emak tak marah kamu cuba masak gula ni. Tapi emak sedih sebab kamu sorok periuk ni dalam kabinet”, itulah katanya.

Saya menangis kerana terasa bersalah cuba menipu emak dan dia dengan segera memujuk.

Saya pernah cuba membasuh kain sendiri, tetapi kerana lupa memasukkan getah ke bilik air, habis seluruh dapur banjir ditenggelami air sabun. Emak tidak marah.

Saya juga pernah berayun di buaian sambil berdiri walaupun ditegah. Apabila buaian terlalu laju, saya tercampak dan muka tersembam ke pasu bunga. Sampai ke hari ini saya masih dapat merasa tuam pasir panas di pipi yang sudah kebiru-biruan. Emak tidak marah.

Abah juga tiada bezanya. Dia tidak pernah memaksa saya membaca buku tetapi jika gagal mendapat tempat pertama, dia menepuk bahu saya sambil berkata, “nanti mainlah lagi ya. Jangan baca buku.”

Dia tidak marah tetapi saya sendiri yang rasa terseksa dan bersalah.

Saya pernah bergaduh dengan Pengetua di sekolah. “Maaf ustaz, kalau begitulah cakap ustaz, saya pun ‘tak hingin’ nak sekolah di sini!”, jiwa anak muda di Tingkatan 4 memberontak. Saya pulang ke asrama, mengemas beg baju dan langsung meninggalkan Negeri Sembilan untuk pulang ke kampung tanpa berfikir panjang.

Saya tiba di Ipoh selewat jam 11 malam. Abah amat terkejut dengan tindakan saya berhenti sekolah, tetapi dia tidak marah. Dia berikan saya wang RM50 sambil berkata, “ambil duit ni dan uruskan sendiri kamu nak bersekolah mana selepas ini”. Itu cara abah. Dia jarang sekali marah.

Emak dan abah amat mudah memaafkan saya. Tidak kira apa sahaja kerenah kami, mereka memaafkan kami seadanya. Mereka menerima kami sebagai anak-anak yang banyak kelemahan dan atas penerimaan itu, mereka mengasihi kami TANPA SYARAT.

Emak dan abah menerima saya atas segala yang ada pada diri ini. Saya taat atau degil, saya rajin dan saya culas, saya senyum atau saya menjerit, mereka menerima saya seadanya. Mereka terus menyayangi dan mengasihi saya tanpa syarat. Mereka tidak pernah memberitahu saya bahawa semua kebaikan yang mereka buat selama ini, mesti dibalas apabila kami telah dewasa. Kami balas atau tidak, kami ingat atau lupa, tugas mereka hanyalah membesarkan kami dengan penuh kasih sayang, TANPA SYARAT.

Allah memberikan percikan sifat Rahman dan Rahim untuk makhluk-Nya mengasihi tanpa syarat, hanyalah pada naluri dan hati seorang ibu dan bapa kepada anaknya. Suami mengasihi isteri, sering mengharap balas. Isteri mengasihi suami, kerap juga ada sesuatu yang terselindung di sebaliknya. Apatah lagi jika hanya antara dua sahabat. Sukar untuk dipastikan tulus persahabatan mereka. Bolehkah seorang sahabat memaafkan sahabatnya tanpa syarat? Mungkin ada, tapi sering tiada.

Apa yang pasti, hanya ibu bapa sahaja yang mampu mengasihi anak-anaknya tanpa syarat. Sebab itulah anak-anak tidak mampu membalas kasih itu. Jika seorang anak jatuh sakit, ibu bapa sanggup berjaga malam dan berdoa agar si anak sembuh dan dipanjangkan umur. Namun apabila tiba giliran anak menjaga ibu bapanya, mereka mungkin terus menjaga, tetapi hati mudah berkata, “bilalah orang tua ini nak mati!”. Ya Allah, lindungilah aku dari menjadi anak seperti itu.

Hati saya amat sedih melihat kaum Cina di KL berebut-rebut menghantar ibu dan bapa mereka ke wad kecemasan Hospital UKM sehari sebelum Tahun Baru Cina. Pesakit berumur 60 tahun (kalau tak silap saya) ke atas, rawatan di HUKM adalah percuma. Maka inilah cara mudah mereka untuk get rid ibu bapa mereka di musim perayaan. Kalau hantar ke rumah orang tua-tua, mahal pulak bayarannya. Allah Allah….

Saya masih ingat dialog ayah tengah hari itu. Dia baru sahaja pulang dari menunaikan Haji.

“Abah kat Mekah doa apa, abah?”, saya bertanya.

“Abah doa supaya Allah jangan panjangkan umur abah sampai nyanyuk. Takut anak-anak tak tahan. Takut kamu jadi anak durhaka!”, kata ayah saya sambil mata redupnya merenung saya yang terkelu lidah. “Abah, jangan cakap macam tu…”, saya sebak dan hanya mampu membiarkan air mata kering di pipi. Ayah pergi meninggalkan kami pada malam hari lahir saya yang ke-17, hanya setahun lebih selepas perbualan kami itu.

Anak-anak, jiwanya tidak sebesar ayah dan bonda. Kasihnya kadang-kadang tidak sampai ke makam ayah dan bonda. Namun seorang ibu dan ayah, mampu menahan pedih dan perit membesarkan anak-anaknya. Bukan setahun dua malah majoriti nyawa dan usia. Mereka mampu membelai, mereka mudah memaafkan kita, kerana mereka kasih dan cinta, dengan CINTA TANPA SYARAT.

Ya Allah, aku lemah, aku banyak dosa. Aku suka mengeluh, aku kerap lalai dan alpa. Ampunkanlah aku ya Allah. Ampunkan diriku dengan pengampunan oleh sifat-Mu yang Maha Pengampun, Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang. Ampun dan kasihanilah aku, mudah-mudahan tanpa banyak hisab, tanpa banyak syarat, sebagaimana ibu bapaku memaafkan aku tanpa syarat, mengasihiku tanpa mengharapkan balasan.

Ampunkan jua mereka, dan limpahkan Rahmah-Mu kepada mereka. Mereka yang mengasihiku tanpa syarat, Kau maafkan mereka dan limpahkan Kasih-sayangMu kepada mereka, tanpa hisab dan syarat…


Mungkinkah semua itu, Allah kurniakan kepada saya? Siapakah saya untuk meminta pengampunan yang terus tanpa syarat? Malah jika setiap detik hidup dalam sehari itu dihitung, terasa betapa dosa sahaja yang banyak berbekas. Sedangkan tanpa saya sedar saya banyak meletakkan syarat terhadap Allah. Aku ingat kepada-Mu, dengan syarat aku sudah hilang penyelesaian. Aku sanggup lakukan apa yang Engkau suruh, tetapi selepas aku melihat apa kebaikan yang aku dapat!

Hinanya diriku. Lupa sudah pada hakikat diri sebagai hamba. Hamba yang tidak layak meminta, apatah lagi untuk meletakkan syarat kepada Tuhannya. Astaghfirullah.

Menghitung hari, padanya terpalit pelbagai dosa. Paling kurang, setiap hari saya dibelenggu rasa terkilan dan berdosa kerana bonda kesunyian di kampung. Setelah pulang ke Malaysia, saya masih belum dapat menjaganya di depan mata.

Bayangkan, jika Allah mengampunkan kita dengan syarat, binasalah diri ini. Mampukah saya lepas segala syarat itu? Jika Allah syaratkan setiap solatku mesti khusyuk, apakah ada satu solatku yang sampai kepada apa yang Allah syaratkan itu?

Sesungguhnya tidak mungkin kita selamat dengan hanya melihat pada amalan. Melainkan Rahmat Allah itu jualah jawapannya. Dengan kasih sayang-Nya.

Tetapi Rahmat Allah bukan perkara kecil. Ia diminta dengan tawasul kita kepada sifat al-Wahhab Allah SWT. Saya baru mendengar kuliah 99 nama Allah tentang al-Wahhab dari Ustaz Kariman dan ia menambah hiba di hati saya.

Allah sebagai Tuhan yang bersifat al-Wahhab bermaksud Yang Maha Memberi. Namun memberi dengan sifat al-Wahhab itu, terkandung di dalamnya lima sifat:

  1. Memberi tanpa meminta apa-apa balasan. Allah, Tuhan yang al-Wahhab itu Maha Kaya, tidak perlu kepada Makhluk. Kerana itulah Allah SWT Memberi dengan sifat-Nya yang al-Wahhab tanpa mengurangkan langsung perbendaharaan-Nya. Percikan sifat al-Wahhab itu Allah limpahkan kepada jiwa ibu bapa kita agar mereka kaya dengan kasih dan sayang. Sayang kepada seorang anak tidak berbeza dengan sayangnya kepada 9 anak yang menyusul kemudian. Anak durhaka, menconteng arang ke muka, mereka masih terus memberi kasih sayang, kerana mereka beroleh kasih sayang Rahmat Allah yang al-Wahhab.
  2. Memberi secara berulang-ulang. Al-Wahhab terus memberi berulang kali, tidak jemu Memberi dan tidak Marah diminta. Percikan sifat inilah yang Allah limpahkan ke jiwa ibu bapa kita. Mintalah susu pada setiap malam di usia kecilmu. Ibu akan bangun meraba dinding mencari cahaya, demi anak yang diberikan hati dan cinta. Dia tidak jemu, bahkan sejurus selepas kita dewasa, diberikannya pula cinta itu kepada adik kecil yang baru menjenguk datang ke hidup duniawi.
  3. Memberi tanpa diminta. Allah SWT Tuhan yang al-Wahhab, memberi tanpa diminta. Hitunglah pada pelbagai yang ada di sekeliling kita. Dia berikan kita wajah yang cantik tanpa kita minta. Dia berikan kita sahabat yang baik, tanpa kita minta dan jangka. Allah itu Maha Memberi dengan sifat-Nya yang al-Wahhab. Sifat inilah yang Allah tanamkan kepada naluri ibu dan bapa. Pelbagai keperluan dan hiasan hidup diberikan tanpa diminta. Ibu mencium dahi, ayah menyapu kepala, semuanya demi sayang mereka kepada kita, sayang yang diberi tanpa diminta.
  4. Memberi sesuatu yang amat berharga. Allah Dia yang al-Wahhab memberi dengan sifat itu perkara-perkara besar yang amat berharga. Dia kurniakan kita dengan sifat al-Wahhab itu, bukanlah hiasan-hiasan dunia yang tidak berharga. Al-Wahhab, dari-Nya datang RAHMAT yang menyelamatkan kita, mengampunkan kita, memelihara kita tanpa menghitung-hitung satu taat dibalas nikmat, satu maksiat dibalas binasa dan kiamat. Peluang demi peluang diberikan. Sehinggalah sampai masa pintu taubat itu Dia tutup atau kita menutupnya sendiri. Semuanya diberikan kerana kita hidup untuk TUJUAN yang besar. Cebis-cebis sifat inilah Allah limpahkan kepada jiwa ibu dan bapa kita. Diberikannya kasih sayang yang tidak mampu diberi walau oleh dua pasangan yang paling bercinta. Kasihnya ibu membawa ke syurga, kasihnya ayah selama-lama. Semuanya diberi agar kita membesar penuh sempurna, menjadi insan yang berjaya dan mulia.
  5. Memberi sesuatu yang baik untuk menghasilkan kebaikan. Allah jua dengan sifat al-Wahhab memberikan pelbagai kebaikan kepada kita, agar dengan kebaikan itu kita sambut dengan syukur dan taat, berupa khidmat kepada sesama insan. Diberikan-Nya kita harta, agar kita bersedekah. Diberikan-Nya kita ilmu agar kita berdakwah. Diberikan-Nya kita pelbagai yang baik, agar dengannya kita berbuat baik.

Kita mohon agar Allah limpahkan Rahmat-Nya kepada kedua ibu bapa kita. Allah memberikan rahmat itu dengan sifat al-Wahhab-Nya. Dengan itu jualah diberikan-Nya ibu dan bapa kita kasih sayang tanpa syarat untuk anak-anak mereka. Dengan itu jualah mudah-mudahan Allah mengasihani kita tanpa syarat, mengampunkan kita tanpa syarat. Kerana syarat Allah terlalu perkasa untuk disahut oleh hamba yang lemah dan kerdil seperti kita.

“Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosaku, ampunkan dosa ibu bapaku dan rahmatilah mereka dengan kasih sayang-Mu, sebagaimana mereka menyayangiku ketika diriku masih kecil”.

Peluk cium anakanda buat bonda yang mengasihiku atas hatinya yang begitu… Ameen.

56000 Kuala Lumpur
12 Mei 2007

ERTI HIDUP PADA MEMBERI. Perkongsian anda, biar pun hanya secawan kopi amat bermakna dalam usaha menampung perjalanan ini. Terima kasih

Sunday, May 11, 2008

kecek kelate

salam pelajar-pelajar sayang,

org mesir bule kecek kelate.. heheh.. amacam? kalau org arab blh cakap bhs melayu, kita org melayu blh tak ckp arab?

Friday, May 9, 2008


salam pelajar-pelajar sayang,

lungsuri website di bawah dari seorang pakar motivasi Fadzli Yusof. Topik unik : ibuku seorang pembohong.. hm...? menarik kan? baca & ambil iktibar bersama k..

sila komen..

ummi musaddiq

Amalan 1

salam pelajar-pelajar sayang,

hm, ada yg da habis peperiksaan? atau masih lg dlm 'stress' dgn peperiksaan? Masih ingat lagi tak amalan2 yg pernah kita pelajari di mana amalan2 ini boleh kita lakukan pd musim peperiksaan?

1. Istilah 'duit' , masih ingt?
D : doa
U : usaha
I : istiqamah (konsisten)
T : tawakkal.

2. Dirikan solat hajat setiap malam, mohon pdNYA agara diberikan kemudahan, kelapangan hati & minda semasa menjawab soalan. Mulakan dgn solat taubat 2 rakaat kemudian baru diikuti dgn solat hajat.

3. Doa sebelum menjawab soalan : rabbi yassir kulla umuri wa la tu'assir, rabbi atmim bil khair (ya tuhan ku, permudahkanlah urusanku jangan susahkannya, tuhanku akhirkanlah urusan itu dgn kebaikan)

4. Sebelum keluar rumah, salam & cium tgn kedua ibubapa kita, mohon doa restu dari mereka. Keredhaan allah terletak pd keredhaan kedua ibubapa kita.

Ummi Musaddiq

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tugasan Fiqeh

salam pelajar-pelajar sayang,

ustzh nak selitkan ttg tugasan fiqeh kamu... blh? kuang3x...kamu semua diberi tugasan untuk menyiapkan kajian ringkas ttg konsep 'zakat', adakah konsep sebegini ada diamalkan oleh agama-agama lain, Kristian, Hindu dll :

1. Seandainya pernah diamalkan, adakah sama pelaksanaan zakat tersebut?
2. Kalau tak, bgmn & apakah cara / saluran utk mereka bantu golongan yg susah?

Kamu boleh interview/tanya rakan-rakan kamu di sekolah konvensional ttg amalan ini dlm agama mereka. Kajian ringkas ini adalah utk kita melihat sejauhmana pelaksanaan agama lain. Mudah kan?

Ustzh beri kamu semua pilihan samada nak buat dlm Words atau Powerpoint. Tugasan ini perlu dihantar pd akhir bulan jun. Kalau kamu nak present pun lagi baik.

ok, ustzh tggu tugasan ini dari kamu semua.

Ummi Musaddiq