Our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
Salam semua...petikan ini saye ambil dari www.thelastingmiracle.com mengenai keperibadian / ciri2 / akhlaq dll mengenai Nabi Muhammad s.a.w...harap maklum artikle ini di dlm bahasa inggeris...tapi sayer rase semua boleh paham kot...almaklumlah last week kan semua berbual Om puteh kat kelas kan ngan ustzh..hahaha
Many non-Muslims as well as even some Muslims don't really intimately know the Prophet Muhammad, so we have translated much of the following sections from authentic [hadiths]
hoping to describe the Prophet. We will answer questions like- What was his physical appearance? What was his general presence like? What were his ethics and moral character? Etc….
The Final Messenger of God Almighty was light-skinned, medium height around 6', a strong sturdy build, his hair was black somewhat long to his neck and wavy, he had a thick black beard, shiny white teeth, long eye lashes, soft hands, and his mouth was somewhat large and his smile was pleasant. It is said about his appearance "When he appeared all turned to notice his presence". Many people accepted Islam upon seeing him (pbuh). He walked fast and many people couldn't keep up with him. He was generally silent and didn't speak except upon necessity. Sometimes he would speak clearly and repeat himself three times when he wanted to get across an important point. He was always kept busy with something. He did have a sense of humor and when amused he smiled. He kept his feelings under firm control and never was angered by any worldly issue. He only became red when he was angered by sinful or corrupt behavior and would advise anyone who did such deeds. (Tirmidhi Ash-Shama'il)
Hind son of Abe Halah was known for his descriptions and he described the Prophet (PBUH) as such: He was in a constant state of contemplation. He never seemed to take a break or rest. He kept silent for long periods and only spoke upon necessity. When speaking, he always enunciated himself thoroughly and spoke in way that everyone could hear and understand him. When he spoke he seemed to completely master the accent of those to whom he spoke. His speech was decisive, clearly distinguishing between truth and falsehood. He was very gentle and never harsh or rude. He never disgraced or humiliated anyone, yet when he advised or reprimanded it was in a respectful manner. He always stressed the greatness of blessings, even if they were few. He never said this food is good or not good. If he didn't like it he simply wouldn't eat it. When lies were told or falsehood prevailed he became angry and they knew because his face became red. He never became angry for himself and never acted out of revenge. If he became angry it was because if lies or injustice and he would shun at what he was angered by. He never raised his voice except to give a speech. If he was happy he would look down in modesty. When he was amused he would smile that you can see his teeth.
Ali the 4th Caliph and son in law of the Prophet (pbuh) described him as such: He was very modest and never spoke with foul words and when he was in the presence of obscenity he would leave and rebuke it. He never raised his voice. He never reacted to a bad deed inflicted upon him with another bad deed. He was always pardoning and forgiving. He never hit anyone or even any animal. He never hit a servant or a woman. He only fought in battles.He never took revenge on anyone who oppressed him. He never broke any of the God's commandments (he was sinless). He became angered when people sinned. When he was faced with two options he always took the easier of the two. When he was at home he was a man like any other. He used to cook, sow, and clean the house. He only talked about that which concerned him. He united people and never alienated them. He was generous with whatever he had. He always tried to get to know people and would ask about them in their absence. He was very balanced in his character and mannerism.
He was constantly remembering God Almighty. If he sat with some people he wouldn't leave until the others left. If he sat with others he didn't act as though he was better than others. If someone gave him a hard time he was patient with them. If anyone asked him for something he gave it to them if he had it. Everyone liked his presence and easiness. He became like a father to us all. To sit with him was always like being in an open classroom of knowledge. We would learn to be patient, persevering, truthful, and modest from sitting with him. No one raising their voice and nobody speaks badly about others. Nobody speaks of rumors. Nobody speaks about their wife or relationship with her. Everyone was equal in the sitting of the Prophet (pbuh) keeping a gracious disposition in the remembrance of the Almighty. The old were respected and the young received compassion and mercy.
It was also said about the Messenger of the Almighty: He was always joyful, He was very compassionate and affectionate never harsh, never greedy, He never argued, he laughed at what others did and was amazed by what others were amazed by, He was patient for the one who was harsh to him, he never accepted praise except what was reasonable, he never interrupted anyone, he never told a lie (not even in joking or exaggerating), anyone who saw him unexpectedly was in awe, whoever got to know him loved him, No companion ever met anyone like him before or after his passing.
The Prophet was the most devoted man to The Almighty in a constant state of worship. This is regardless of the fact that he was forgiven by God upon his Prophethood all his sins that he may have committed.
Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah said: The Prophet (pbuh) used to stand praying at night until his feet were swollen. So someone asked him
"We have heard that you were forgiven any sins you committed or might commit. He replied "Shouldn't I be a grateful servant"
Regarding his moderation; A'isha the Mother of the Believers said-
Abdullah ash-shakheer said
His companions said
Abu Dardaa' said
He used to anticipate the next prayer and when asked he said-
A'isha narrated that
When we look at the perception of money and wealth in the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH), we must look at the legacy he passed on. Indeed; he and his students and their students, arabs and non-arabs, whites and blacks looked at wealth as rocks and dirt. It is authentically narrated about these people, that some of the most amazing stories of asceticism and world renouncing feats. This is shown in how they easily gave most of their money to others completely content with the least wealth possible. While reading some of these stories one is amazed at how ordinary people acted in such a way.
The Prophet used to say
One time Umar son of Khattab saw the Prophet's (pbuh) humble bed made from tree bark. He exclaimed
A'isha the Mother of the Believers and wife of the Prophet said-
Jabir ibn abdullah said-
"The Prophet never refused anyone who asked of him"
As a Compassionate Companion
After being shown the torment of the inhabitants of fire by the angel Gabriel, he said to the Companions
He was known as the most open minded and mild tempered they had ever met. He used to joke sometimes and loved to play with the youth, especially his grandchildren. He treated the slave equally with his master. He always accepted the excuse of one who excused himself.
Jabir ibn Sumarah said I sat with the Prophet over 100 times and many times we would read poetry and talk about things which happened in the days of ignorance (before Islam). He would sit silent and sometimes smile.
He was very affectionate with the children. Onetime a Bedouin came to him and asked him
One time the Prophet hurried the Prayers and we asked him
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the most balanced personality in history. He never went to one extreme or the other in any subject. In worship some would suspect he is performing superhuman feats and just when they started to say so he would stop worshipping in such a manner. He was the ultimate teacher of how to be a great man without going to one extreme or the other.
His Wife A'isha said:
Abu Hurairah heard the Prophet (pbuh) say:
He (pbuh) also said:
The Prophet was a man like any other in his house. His wife A'isha says
Anas ibn Malik [3] mentioned about the Prophet; that as a family man he was the most kind and compassionate especially to children.
He said:
Whole books have been written on the beautiful manner in which the Final Prophet sent to mankind fulfilled the previous saying. Authentic testimonies of his 9 wives and 4 daughters of his greatness as a family man are abundant. How many of us have a hard time pleasing one wife and 2 children?
The Prophet's Ethics and Moral Standards
God Almighty stated to the Prophet (pbuh)
The Prophet himself said:
When we look at the way the Prophet (pbuh) dealt with people, we see a miracle in that alone, considering the many times he was dealing with some of the most foul and harsh people in the history of man. When A'isha the mother of the Believers was asked about his character after his death, She replied "His character was the Qur'an". So in perfect fulfillment of the message, he was known by those who knew him best to be someone who's every action was guided by the word of God.
He (pbuh) said
He also said
He also said
His life was a continuous example of someone deeply sincere toward mankind. He taught us Deeds are judged by their intentions and for everyone is what they intended
Making our lives filled with the sincere intention to please God is very important. The Qur'an says
He also said
In Arabic there is a word known as Haya'. This word describes a certain type of character. Some translate it as modesty or shyness, but the meaning is much deeper. Haya' refers to one's action or refraining from acting based upon piety. This characteristic of Haya' has three aspects; Haya' from oneself, Haya' from others, Haya' from Almighty God. Haya' from oneself is in avoiding what one knows to be harmful to himself in this world or in the hereafter and in participating in that which is of benefit in this world and in the hereafter. Haya' from others is in not harming others physically or verbally. Haya' from God is in one's awareness of God Almighty and constantly seeking His pleasure and abstaining anything which he has forbidden- this is different than Haya' of oneself because it is done out of gratitude and realization of God's right upon us, the other is out of the fear of harm to oneself.
If someone with Haya' finds himself in a situation where he knows something bad or evil is happening, then he will distance himself from it immediately. If something harmful enters one's sight such as the nakedness of others or pornography then out of Haya' one will look away. If someone had the characteristic of Haya' and he finds himself sitting with people who are drinking alcohol or using drugs, lying, using foul language, or talking badly about someone behind their back they will leave such a gathering. Whoever has perfected these aspects of Haya' has reached the pinnacle of virtue among humanity.
The Qur'an mentions time and time again that the Prophet (pbuh) is our example and that we should do our best to imitate his Sunnah (way or manner of life). We see this application in his great companions and their miraculous lives as well as in all righteous Muslims thereafter.
Abe Sa'id Alkhudree said The Messenger of God (pbuh) was the most strict in Haya' and when he saw something that bothered him we knew it from his face.
The Prophet (pbuh) said
He (pbuh) also said
He said (pbuh) Haya' is the pinnacle of righteousness"
The word 'Sidq' in Arabic means honesty, standing up for truth, as well as a sense of certainty in ones heart about something. Anywhere you go in the world, you might find lying common and not considered a big deal. People have even come up with the phrase "white lie" to describe a small insignificant lie. I can personally say that when I look back at before I was Muslim and remember how much I lied and how much others around me lied, I realize the preciousness of Islam. I know it's difficult to believe when I say "I don't lie or most Muslims who practice Islam don't lie in general", but this is the beautiful reality that we live in.
God Almighty heavily rebuked lying or supporting a lie by being silent when the truth could have been spoken. This is a reoccurring theme throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah (authentic narrations of the prophet). The previous messages of God were distorted and many people were led astray because of lying and many other tribulations and damage have afflicted humanity because of lying.
One of the main factors in preserving the Sunnah amongst the companions was the strong discipline they received against falsehood. The Prophet (pbuh) said:
Of course these people lived and died for the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) so you know they took this saying as serious as any other.
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said "I heard the Prophet say
A'isha said
The Prophet (PBUH) was once asked "
To finish this section I think we will suffice to remember the Hadith of the Messenger of God "
In Arabic the word Amanah carries the meanings of reliability and responsibility, but the meaning goes much deeper. Islam encourages everyone to have a strong conscience and sense of responsibility. Islam encourages to guard and preserve the rights of God and the rights of his fellow humans and to not be careless or neglect those rights. The one who carries these qualities has the characteristic of Amanah.
1. Your life is an Amanah and you owe your service to the one who gave it to you. First God and second your parents.
2. Your senses such as hearing, seeing, smelling, and touching are Amanah from God, so you must use them for Good and Lawful things.
3. Listening to a personal conversation is Amanah you have a responsibility to not tell others unless there is crime invovled.
4. Your knowledge and capacity for learning is an Amanah. You must spend your time learning things which will benefit yourself and others.
5. Your personal relationship with your wife is an Amanah. You must never reveal it unless you are seeking professional counseling.
6. Taking a loan or borrowing anything is Amanah.
God Almighty says
God says:
He said:
"The Prophet (pbuh) said
The purpose of God sending His message of Islam is to bestow his Mercy and Forgiveness upon man. Islam is the religion of mercy, goodness and peace for mankind. All humans sin and make mistakes, but through their attempt to submit to His will, recognizing him alone as their Creator and Savior, they will receive eternal mercy in Heaven. Satan simply teaches man to follow his own desire in ultimate ingratitude to his creator and serving no real purpose in life. Thus making himself like an animal with no spirituality. Even God explains in his Book that he is Merciful to this ungrateful person by making sure he has food and water, wealth, loving family, and many other things. Yet, this person who lived for this worldly life will receive just that and be void of the mercy of the Hereafter.
The Prophet said
God informs us that he sent Muhammad and the message of Islam to mankind as A mercy to the entire universe(21:107).
God begins the Qur'an and every chapter of the Qur'an with "In the Name of God, The Most Merciful and The Most Compassionate" Hundreds of verses in the Qur'an end with "And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"
Describing his messengers success in calling to the way of God, the Qur'an states speaking to Muhammad
The Prophet said
God says
He (pbuh) also said:
There is a famous Parable of the Prophet (pbuh) in which he said:
In another Parable He said
The heart of nobility among mankind is generosity. When people are willing to give what they have to others it naturally earns them respect. Generosity is the heart of good social ties and faith based social work. Greed and stinginess cause major rifts within the society. Precisely for that reason Islam encourages one to be more concerned with the well being of others and the needs of others than the need for oneself (This of course is unless the generous person might die, go homeless, or create other hardships for themselves because of their generosity).
God Almighty describes himself as The Generous and proclaims his Love for the generous throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah. Muslims know that the best way to purify our hearts and be closer to the Almighty is to try to apply the characteristics God has described himself with as far as possible (Of course keeping in mind that these characteristics applied to God are of perfection suiting his greatness and that no human can ever be like God in the least bit).
The Prophet said
There is an authentic tradition that a man asked the Prophet (pbuh) for his shirt and the Prophet (PBUH) gave it to him. Thus coining the phrase about the most generous person "He would give you the shirt off his back" Bet you didn't know where that came from.
The Prophet (pbuh) said
God revealed to his Prophet that It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the east or west, but true piety is in believing in God Almighty, the Day of Judgment, the Angels, the Book, and the Prophet's. And that you give from your wealth despite your love for it; to your relatives, to orphans, the poor, the traveler, those who ask for something, freed slaves (by freeing them and helping them once free). And those who establish regular prayers, those who pay their Zakah, those who fulfill their promises, those who are patient in times of ease and through hardships. These are those who are of true Sidq and they are the truly righteous.(Qur'an 2:177)
The Prophet (PBUH) said
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
All throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah we find the message enjoining generosity and selflessness. We see the result of this divine guidance in the example of the Prophet and his companions to an extraordinary extent. Please read about the lives of the Companions in the Prominent Muslims section.
Islam as a system of law and the society's social relations is based on pure Justice. God has also made his relationship with man and man's relationship with himself based on Justice as well. By this we mean that if one recognizes his creator and lives in thankful submission to Him then he deserves the ultimate reward of closeness to the Almighty enjoying the eternal bliss of heaven. On the other hand if one is heedless of his creator or rejects him, not considering of his actions, he should be moved away from the mercy and compassion of his creator which he denies in the first place.
God says
Regarding the application of this verse: A noble women from the new Muslims of Quraish was caught stealing. The Quraish sent Usama ibn Zaid to ask the Prophet to forgive her and not punish her. When Usama relayed the message to the Messenger of God, He became red in the face and spoke loudly "Do you seek to interfere in the Law of God, if my own daughter Fatimah [6] was caught stealing I will have the punishment prescribed to her [7]
It is sufficient to say that when you read the Qur'an you find the command "And be Just" or "Don't Transgress" or the phrase "And God Loves the Just". Once again if you read the full life story of the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions you see the greatest examples of justice in the history of man.
The most recurring sin that God reminds us to stay away from in his Book is Injustice or Oppression. The Qur'an is filled with phrases like "And God does not love the unjust and oppressive" and "And for the Oppressive and Unjust is a painful torment (Hell)"
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
This is one of the characteristics of God Almighty since he is the all-Forgiving. For one to truly be forgiving in all situations is difficult. Anger and prejudice are always trying to influence one to lose their patience with others. The Prophet (PBUH) was the greatest example of this nature of pardoning others and you see this amazing quality in him time and time again when reading about him (pbuh).
God declares in a general command towards how to deal with others
In another verse God describes the people of Paradise-
The Prophet said:
The Prophet said:
He also said (pbuh)
One day a Bedouin came to the Prophet and his Companions and asked the Prophet (pbuh) for something. The Prophet (pbuh) gave him what he requested and then asked him "Have I done something good for you?" the Bedouin replied "No and you weren't nice in doing it either". The companions were angered and the Prophet told them not to do anything and calm down. Then the Prophet got up and went home and then sent for that Bedouin. He then gave the Bedouin something else and asked him have I done you well?" He replied "Yes And may God reward you and your family". The Prophet (pbuh) then asked the Bedouin to repeat what he said to his companions so they wouldn't hold anything against him.
After the Bedouin did this the Prophet (pbuh) gave his companions a parable "This Bedouin in relation to me and how you reacted is like a man and his camel. The camel got lost and the people went after it, then its owner found it in time and asked the people to leave him and his camel since he knows his camel best. He then led it back home. Then tamed it showing it not to leave home and put its saddle back on it. Then the camel regained its sense of home and sat down to rest." Then the Prophet said "If I let you kill that Bedouin in his ignorance he would have gone to Hell in his state"
A'isha described her husband (pbuh)
The Prophet (pbuh) describes the believers
He (pbuh) also said :
The Prophet (pbuh) also said, teaching us to be great people-
The Prophet (pbuh) said :
May God Almighty guide us to realize the greatness of Muhammad, the final messenger of God sent to mankind. He answered the call of our Lord and sacrificed his life so that man would worship the one and only Almighty God. After reading about his sublime characteristics and teachings you should now see how he left the greatest example of human greatness upon mankind. We ask God to bestow upon him His most gracious blessings and mercy. As God says-
Bukan ummi Musaddiq....tapi Musaddiq aje..hehe
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